Specialised care for adults with primary progressive aphasia and related disorders. Care provided in both the Sydney metropolitan area and The Central Coast.
Provider No: 6046741A
Australian Aphasia Association National Conference
Perth, 6th -7th November 2023
I was honoured to be a guest speaker at the National Australian Aphasia Association in Perth. My presentation focused on Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and highlighted the similarities and differences between PPA and aphasia that results from stroke.
The PPA Guide
At the end of the presentation, it was my great pleasure to join with Ms Natalie Ive, to launch The PPA Guide, a new resource for people living with primary progressive aphasia and their families. Natalie is a member of the Australian Aphasia Association (AAA) Executive Board and the Dementia Advisory Committee and is living with PPA. Her contribution to The Guide is invaluable. My other co authors are Associate Professor Jade Cartwight and Professor Deborah Hersh.
You can download The PPA Guide from the AAA website
UTS Speech Pathology students learn from an expert!
Primary Progressive Aphasia lectures provided in May 2024 featured insights from people living with PPA.
Arlene & Jacqui shared their experiences and provided expert advice on what people with PPA need from Speech Pathologists.
Arlene Howes, Associate Professor Emma Power, Jacqui Guy and
Dr Cathleen Taylor-Rubin
"Semantic variant PPA"
Dr Cathleen Taylor-Rubin
An online presentation to the NSW Division of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Geriatric Medicine (ANZSGM)
1st March 2023
Speech Pathology Australia Online Course
Macquarie University Dean's Award 2021
UTS Appointment
March 2022