Specialised care for adults with primary progressive aphasia and related disorders. Care provided in both the Sydney metropolitan area and The Central Coast.
Provider No: 6046741A
Cathleen Taylor-Rubin, PhD

Cathy has over thirty years experience as a Speech Pathologist working with adults with neurogenic communication disorders. She completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) and a Masters of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) at University of Sydney. She developed clinical specialist skills in progressive aphasia and completed her doctorate, "Enhancing communication effectiveness for people with Primary Progressive Aphasia" at Macquarie University. Cathy has extensive experience in diagnosis and provision of evidence based behavioural intervention for primary progressive aphasia, language-led dementia syndromes and related disorders. She has published her research in international peer reviewed journals, presented at international and national scientific meetings and provides extensive education and support to consumers, students and colleagues. Cathy's clinical practice is evidenced based and holistic and places the individual with communication difficulties and their family at the centre of care.
Cathy is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (Speech Pathology Australia).
Penelope Monroe, PhD

Penelope (Penny) specialises in working with adults with neurogenic communication impairments. She completed a PhD and Clinical Masters in Speech Pathology at the University of Sydney. She also holds a Masters’ degree in Music, and Bachelor’s degrees in both Singing Performance and Psychology. Penny is dedicated to improving quality of communicative interaction, sense of connection, and wellbeing between individuals with communication impairments and their close others through person-centred speech therapy. She is passionate about equity in access to care regardless of geographical boundaries and is committed to working with and improving care for Australian families living with neurodegenerative diagnoses. Her recently awarded PhD focused on the effects of group singing on the communication skills and psychosocial wellbeing of individuals with dementia.
Penny is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (Speech Pathology Australia).